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If the swimsuit does not fit as expected, you can exchange it for a different one by following these steps:
If you live close to Blainville, you can drop off your package for a refund directly at our warehouse during our opening hours. Your refund will be processed within 5 business days.
Tuesday: 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 3 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 3 PM
Thursday: 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 3 PM
Friday: 9 AM to 12 PM
1499 Boul. Michèle-Bohec,
Blainville, Québec, J7C 0Y4, Canada
If you prefer to have a refund instead of exchanging it, you can do so by following the instructions below.
Important thing to note about refunds:
The shipping cost will be deducted from the amount we refund.
A fee will also be deducted for the free Standard delivery option. Verify which situation applies to your refund for the Standard delivery option:
Free Standard Shipping in Canada: We will remove US$ 5 from the total on the invoice. The US$ 5 is to cover the amount that we’ve paid to send you the package in the first place as well as our administrative fee.
Free Standard Shipping in United States: We will remove US$ 5 from the total on the invoice. The US$ 5 is to cover the amount that we’ve paid to send you the package in the first place as well as our administrative fee.
Paid Shipping (Express or Standard): If you have paid for the shipping, the amount paid for the initial shipping will NOT be refunded.
Refund Instructions
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