
  • Can I cancel my order once it is placed?

    Once you have placed your order, it is no longer possible to cancel it. However, you will be able to return your items and get a refund once you receive them as long as they were not final sales. See Refund Instructions >Please Note: When an order is cancelled, the items in your cart will ...
  • I received a defective product

    If you have received a defective product, contact us right away with the following information. Your order number. Pictures which show the defect. Small explanation of the problem. We will review your case and correct our error as quickly as possible. FILL THE FORM Do not send us back the def...
  • I received the wrong product

    If you have received a wrong product, contact us right away with the following information. Your order number. Pictures which show you ordered different product. Small explanation of the problem. We will review your case and correct our error as quickly as possible. FILL THE FORM Do not send ...
  • I want to change or modify my order

    We are not able to modify an existing order unfortunately. Once you receive your order, you will be able to return the items you received for an exchange if they were not marked as final sale. How To Exchange >Please Note: When an order is cancelled, the items in your cart will be back in...
  • My order has not yet arrived

    First, verify the shipping method that you have selected and how many days it should take by doing the following: 1) Go on our website and open the chat window. Click on Search in the Order Status box. 2) Enter your Order Number and your Email Address, some details about your order will app...
  • When will my order be shipped?

    We try our best to ship all orders within one day of purchase but we cannot guarantee that it will always be possible. Please note that it can take up to 5 business days before your order gets picked up by the shipping courier at our Blainville, Canada warehouse. From the moment when it is shi...