Payment, Gift Card, Promo Code

  • How can I apply a promo code?

    Please go through the following steps to apply a coupon code to your order. Mobile Desktop 1) Add the item you want to your cart and click on Proceed to checkout. 2) Click on Show order summary, and enter the coupon code in the Gift card or discount code section ...
  • How can I use my Gift Card?

    Please go through the following steps to know how to use your Gift Card Mobile Desktop 1) Find your 16 digit Gift Card code in your email. 2) Add the item you want to your cart and click on Proceed to checkout. 3) Click on Show order summary, and enter the coupon code in...
  • I forgot to use my promo code

    😞 Unfortunately, our system does not let us apply a promo code after an order has been placed. Not finding what you're looking for? Contact Us Directly
  • What is your base currency

    All the prices on our website are in US dollars. Even though our company is based in Canada, most of our customers are from different countries across the world and the US dollar is the most used currency in international transactions which is why our prices are in USD. >Please Note: If yo...